El delfín de El tinglado
El delfín de El tinglado

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« Alejandro Valero

Inglés »


Sintel in Search of a Dragon

Actualizado el 21.09.15/08:44

Sintel and the baby dragon

Would you like to watch a beautiful but sad story? Here is Sintel, a short video which will make you feel and think deeply. You will feel the sorrow of a girl who is looking for a baby dragon that she has lost. In her search, Sintel finds difficulties and has to fight to get what she wants. The end is not as she expected, but she finally gets a reward for her quest. Likewise, young people are always in search of something and they have to fight. This film shows that you may get a reward if you make efforts to achieve a goal.

1. The video

Sintel has been created by the Blender Foundation on an Open Movie Project. First of all, enjoy the video while you watch it in full screen without subtitles. It is a wonderfully animated film with a song in the end. Pay attention to Sintel's feelings throughout the story. Then you can choose English or Spanish subtitles if you need them.

2. Sintel's feelings and emotions

1. Sintel is a very sensitive person; like you, perhaps? I think that the most important feature in this video is the great variety of Sintel's feelings and emotions. Do you agree? Can you identify them in these pictures? Fill the gaps with the number which corresponds to each of the feelings (in the form of adjectives) which Sintel shows in the pictures above.

Example: happy. Key to check your answers: rightwrong

broody exhausted scared
furious  surprised
sorry terrified desolate

2. Now do this test to match Sintel's feelings with the causes which provoked them. The pictures above will help you. Click on a number and then on a letter.

3. What feelings did you have when you saw some scenes in the story? For example:

I was very sad when Scales died, but I was very happy when Scales' baby dragon went with Sintel in the end.

3. Sintel's thoughts

Now you have to guess what Sintel is thinking on those situations when she is feeling something special. Match her feelings with her thoughts. If you find it difficult, ask your teacher for help. What other thoughts can you add?

4. The story

Sintel finds the baby dragon

The story is quite simple, but it is very effective. Here is the story in chronological order, that is, presenting the story according to the time in which the actions happened. It is told using the present tense, and you have to change the twenty verbs in Present Simple into the Past Simple tense. But be careful, because there are regular and irregular verbs. After you type each answer, press ENTER or click anywhere on the document. Key to check your answers: rightwrong

5. Write about Sintel and the dragon

Write a comment

I hope you liked this moving story. You may want to write a comment here to show what you feel about Sintel's story. Yes, I know, it is very sad. So, perhaps you can change it and write a new story in the editor below and email it to your teacher or to yourself, or you can also print it.


6. Sintel's song: 'I Move On'

Finally, listen to Sintel's song again and read the lyrics below.

Come Take My Journey
Into Night
Come Be My Shadow
Walk At My Side
And When You See
All That I Have Seen
Can You Tell Me
Love From Pride?

I Have Been Waiting
All This Time
For One To Wake Me
One To Call Mine
So When You're Near
All That You Hold Dear
Do You Fear What You Will Find?

As The Dawn
Breaks Through The Night
I Move On
Forever Longing For The Home
I Found In Your Eyes

I Will Be Listening
For The Drum
To Call Me Over
Far Away From
My Tender Youth
And The Very Truth
Showing Me What I've Become

As The Dawn
Breaks Through The Night
I Move On
Forever Longing For The Home
I Found In Your Eyes
Your Voice
Saw Me Through The Night


If Sintel's story is worthwhile watching, tell your friends to come and enjoy the video and the activities.

(Updated on 12th September 2015)

Por Alejandro Valero en Inglés el 10.05.11 con 48 comentarios Bookmark and Share
Palabras clave storytelling, feelings, writing, intermediate

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[31] Por Natalia el 15.06.11/12:23 Enlace permanente   Responder 


The story is very interesting, the music is  beautiful but a bit sad, you can learn many adjectives. The principal character is very brave when fights with Scales thinking that he was the other dragon.

[32] Por fani senra 1º E el 15.06.11/15:36 Editar Enlace permanente   Responder 


Sintel is very compassionate to cure the little dragon.  I am very sorry that Sintel killed Scales, but I like a lot the end Ana told us yesterday in class, in which Sintel keeps the small dragon, she becomes dragons veterinary and  finds a boyfriend.

[33] Por Montserrat o Montse el 15.06.11/15:40 Enlace permanente   Responder 


Mon  1ªESO E

I forgot to add that in my previous comment.
One of the things I like is that there is a moral: knowing the pain you feel to have done something wrong and can not be changed, you regret and wish to change all because you have made a serious mistake and you hate and think that if I could have another opportunity to solve and can not be and have to continue with the present and future move to calm people say we all have faults and no one is perfect. ..
Reward effort, achieve a goal, just as had happened ... etc is what I have learned about me so I understood. Sintel, (sorrow, reward, likewise, achieve a goal...)

So I've learned  vocabulary words, things that happen in his time, Sintel feelings about everything, for example, sad, tired, scared, angry, surprised, worried, sorry, terrified, lonely, happy ...
    Sintel is a very sensitive person, is a characteristic of her.And the ending song is so pretty that expresses all its history and as and what she felt, (although the song is a bit difficult to understand, but I think what it says is when you wake up again to see)

The ending may be sad but the ending is very nice added and beautiful.

[34] Por Lara el 15.06.11/16:44 Enlace permanente   Responder 


The video is very interesting, the characters are great, The song is nice but is a little hard to understand but it is very interesting and I have learned  new words.

[35] Por Stephanie 1ªE el 15.06.11/18:57 Enlace permanente   Responder 


The song is very slow and beautiful. I watch how  beautiful it is a friendship with a dragon and a girl who does not see that before long rescue Scale. {#lang_emotions_cry}

[36] Por Stephanie 1ªE el 15.06.11/19:10 Enlace permanente   Responder 


The story is very beautiful. I feel sorry for the dragon. Llora 

I liked when Scales' dragon went with Sintel, but it was scared. The girl did not know that a lot of time had passed... 

I also liked that a friendship was so beautiful. {#lang_emotions_smile}

[37] Por Victor 1 E el 16.06.11/18:46 Enlace permanente   Responder 


The story is very interesting and the exercises very entertaining.
I enjoyed watching the film and I specially loved the end because it made me think.

[38] Por Jismel el 17.06.11/11:29 Enlace permanente   Responder 


The video is very nice and sad . Llora

[39] Por José Palazón el 20.12.11/12:15 Editar Enlace permanente   Responder 


Estimado Alejandro, enhorabuena por una actividad tan bien pensada, lúdica pero con trasfondo. Una pregunta técnica: ¿cuántas herramientas has utilizado para llevarla a cabo?, lo digo porque igual hay vídeos insertados que álbumes de fotos interactivos que ejercicios que parecen hechos con Hot Potatoes. Te agradecería mucho pudieras aclararme un poco en este sentido.

Gracias de antemano y recibe un cordial saludo

José Palazón

[39.1] Por Alejandro Valero el 20.12.11/16:46 Enlace permanente

Alejandro Valero

Me alegro de que te haya gustado mi actividad, José. Intento que las actividades educativas nos hagan reflexionar para que no se limiten a una evaluación de los conocimientos.

Respecto al aspecto técnico, los dos tests están elaborados con herramientas propias que he creado utilizando los lenguajes HTML y JavaScript. No hay que ser un experto programador para conseguirlo, pero hay que echarle unas cuantas horas.

La presentación de las imágenes por medio de diapositivas está basada en una galería realizada con la biblioteca JQuery. El vídeo está sacado de la web de Universal Subtitles. Y el editor es TinyMCE, al que le hemos acompañado con un formulario de envío por email creado con el lenguaje PHP.

En este tinglado nos gusta trabajar con material multimeda e interactivo, y también nos dedicamos a crear herramientas propias, no porque no haya otras, sino porque nos gusta ser creativos.

[40] Por Sabina el 22.04.12/21:57 Editar Enlace permanente   Responder 



yo soy simplemente una chica que no tiene nada que ver con usted/ustedes, ya que me he dado cuenta de que en este blog participan más personas. No voy a tal instituto y no se mucho sobre el. Este blog lo encontré por casualidad y si me permiten comentar sin tener relación alguna con ustedes se lo agradecería mucho.

La película ha sido corta, eso sí pero, sin duda una de las mejores producciones televisivas que he visto nunca, aunque muy triste, sin embargo eso no le quita lo interesante que tiene.

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