El delfín de El tinglado
El delfín de El tinglado

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Enviado por Valeria Iglesias el 01.11.11/19:54 Artículo del comentario

I have enjoyed this whole activity very much. I really like Tim Burton's work. Edward Scissorhands, Beetlejuice, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Corpse Bride and Big Fish are some of my favourites. 

Vincent is brilliant; both the boy and the poem. One more proof of Tim Burton's signature style and aesthetics. What I loved the most about it was the fact that Vincent Price was the narrator, which reminds us of his narration of Poe's most famous poem, and of course the mention of said poem The Raven by Edgar Allan Poe, who is one of my favourite writers. The Raven is truly brilliant and the parody by The Simpsons of it was funny. This has been a fine activity, I hope we have more like it. Maybe some Poe or Roald Dahl in the future? 

Valeria Iglesias Plester - 1st of Bachillerato C