You have propably seen some of these, LEGO bricks! But have you ever heard of Ole Kirk Christiansen, a hard-working man who believed in his ideas and never gave up? Enjoy the story of LEGO, try the quizzes and you will discover many interesting facts about the most popular toys in the world.
Ainoa, a Secondary student, helped with this test. Thank you!
Alejandro Valero created this test. Thank you!
Now, would you like to have a look at the 21st Century LEGO factory in Denmark?
Do you know how many LEGO pieces are produced every day?
Are you curious?
Watch this video about the production of LEGO toys and try the quiz below.
As many
children around the world, you will have created amazing things with
LEGO bricks. Now that you are older imagine you had millions of them,
what would you build? Share your wonderful ideas with us writing a
And remember:
Only the best is good enough!
Gracias, Ainoa, por tu colaboración.
Gracias, Javier Escajedo, por el título.
Gracias, Alejandro Valero, por tus aportaciones y ajustes técnicos.
Texto de Ana M. Almarza - 03.02.14
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