Matching exercise

Match the characters on the right to the descriptions on the left.
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lgfp1262+middle-earth-map-lord-of-the-rings-poster.jpgAt the core of the story in The Lord of the Rings are the cultures that make up Middle-earth: Hobbits, Dwarves, Humans, Elves, Wizards, Trolls, Ents, Orcs, Ringwraiths and Uruk-Hai.
Each culture has its own rich way of life, its own customs, myths, ways of dress and even style of fighting.
Each is fully developed in The Lord of the Rings, creating the essence of a living, breathing world just beyond our own history.
For example, Hobbits are gentle and close to nature, an almost child-like group who live off the land. They love the simple things in life: smoking pipes, eating, and, of course, storytelling. They live to around 100 years old.
Elves, on the other hand, are presented as noble, elegant, magical beings. Elves are immortal, they are not subject to age or disease.
Dwarves are short but very tough, with a strong, ancient sense of justice.
Wizards are supremely powerful but that power can be used for good or for evil, depending on where their hearts lie.
Men in The Lord of the Rings are just a different race coming into their own.
Other creatures are even more fantastical: the leaf-covered Ents, the Orcs fighting for Saruman; and the sinister Ringwraiths, neither living nor dead, they are cursed to live in the twilight world of Sauron.
He was sent by the elves to become a member of the Fellowship of the Ring.
He was a member of The Fellowship of the Ring, at the end he was elected as the new king of men.
Princess of Rohan, brave and strong, she was called ""White Lady of Rohan".
Youngest child of Elrond, she was also known as the princess of elves.
The Ring was given to Frodo by this character.
The grey wizard who was the leader of the Fellowship of the Ring.

A Hobbit, small and quiet. He was chosen to become the bearer of the One Ring.
The Dwarves were represented by this character.
He was Originally known as Sméagol, his one desire was to possess the Ring which had enslaved him..
He was disembodied when the One Ring was cut from his hand. He appears as a great Eye wreathed in flame. Against his piercing gaze none could stand.
He was once the wisest and greatest of the Wizards of Middle-earth, later he was considered chief adversary of the people of Rohan.

They were inspired by the talking trees of many legends.